829 research outputs found

    Homological Localisation of Model Categories

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    One of the most useful methods for studying the stable homotopy category is localising at some spectrum E. For an arbitrary stable model category we introduce a candidate for the E–localisation of this model category. We study the properties of this new construction and relate it to some well–known categories

    On the derived category of a regular toric scheme

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    Let X be a quasi-compact scheme, equipped with an open covering by affine schemes. A quasi-coherent sheaf on X gives rise, by taking sections over the covering sets, to a diagram of modules over the various coordinate rings. The resulting "twisted" diagram of modules satisfies a certain gluing condition, stating that the data is compatible with restriction to smaller open sets. In case X is a regular toric scheme over an arbitrary commutative ring, we prove that the unbounded derived category D(X) of quasi-coherent sheaves on X can be obtained from a category of twisted diagrams which do not necessarily satisfy any gluing condition by inverting maps which induce homology isomorphisms on hyper-derived inverse limits. Moreover, we given an explicit construction of a finite set of weak generators for the derived category. For example, if X is projective n-space then D(X) is generated by n+1 successive twists of the structure sheaf; the present paper gives a new homotopy-theoretic proof of this classical result. The approach taken uses the language of model categories, and the machinery of Bousfield-Hirschhorn colocalisation. The first step is to characterise colocal objects; these turn out to be homotopy sheaves in the sense that chain complexes over different open sets agree on intersections up to quasi-isomorphism only. In a second step it is shown that the homotopy category of homotopy sheaves is the derived category of X.Comment: 35 pages; diagrams need post script viewer or PDF v2: removed "completeness" assumption, changed titl

    Vanishing lines in generalized Adams spectral sequences are generic

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    We show that in a generalized Adams spectral sequence, the presence of a vanishing line of fixed slope (at some term of the spectral sequence, with some intercept) is a generic property.Comment: 11 pages. Published copy, also available at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol3/paper7.abs.htm

    Operations on integral lifts of K(n)

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    This very rough sketch is a sequel to arXiv:1808.08587; it presents evidence that operations on lifts of the functors K(n) to cohomology theories with values in modules over valuation rings of local number fields, indexed by Lubin-Tate groups of such fields, are extensions of the groups of automorphisms of the indexing group laws, by the exterior algebras on the normal bundle to the orbits of the group laws in the space of lifts.Comment: \S 2.0 hopefully less cryptic. To appear in the proceedings of the 2015 Nagoya conference honoring T Ohkawa. Comments very welcome

    MiR-888: A newly identified miRNA significantly over-expressed in endometrial cancers

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    Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy and the fourth most common cancer in women. With accumulating evidence, microRNAs have emerged as significant players in the development and progression of cancers. The data points to miR-888 playing an important functional role in the development of aggressive endometrial tumors. Future research will focus on identifying and validating the targets of miR-888 to elucidate its mechanism of action and support this hypothesi

    Morita base change in Hopf-cyclic (co)homology

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    In this paper, we establish the invariance of cyclic (co)homology of left Hopf algebroids under the change of Morita equivalent base algebras. The classical result on Morita invariance for cyclic homology of associative algebras appears as a special example of this theory. In our main application we consider the Morita equivalence between the algebra of complex-valued smooth functions on the classical 2-torus and the coordinate algebra of the noncommutative 2-torus with rational parameter. We then construct a Morita base change left Hopf algebroid over this noncommutative 2-torus and show that its cyclic (co)homology can be computed by means of the homology of the Lie algebroid of vector fields on the classical 2-torus.Comment: Final version to appear in Lett. Math. Phy

    Excision for simplicial sheaves on the Stein site and Gromov's Oka principle

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    A complex manifold XX satisfies the Oka-Grauert property if the inclusion \Cal O(S,X) \hookrightarrow \Cal C(S,X) is a weak equivalence for every Stein manifold SS, where the spaces of holomorphic and continuous maps from SS to XX are given the compact-open topology. Gromov's Oka principle states that if XX has a spray, then it has the Oka-Grauert property. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the Oka-Grauert property using homotopical algebra. We embed the category of complex manifolds into the model category of simplicial sheaves on the site of Stein manifolds. Our main result is that the Oka-Grauert property is equivalent to XX representing a finite homotopy sheaf on the Stein site. This expresses the Oka-Grauert property in purely holomorphic terms, without reference to continuous maps.Comment: Version 3 contains a few very minor improvement
